5212 NW 19th Street, Gainesville, FL 32605

Tax Parcel ID: 07884-004-001

3.64 Acres, Great location, ready to develop.  Perfect for small development or affordable housing.  

Owner financing at a better than bank rates available. 

Highlights of this property

  • Total parcel area 3.64 acres
  • Developable area 2.21 acres (based on a concept plan we had done, total area less creek/wetland/upland buffer)
  • Currently zoned RMF-5 which allows multi-family residential, single-family attached residential and single-family detached residential uses at a maximum density of 12 units per acre or up to 43 units.
  • One concept plan illustrates approx. 12-15 units in a townhouse style development on the developable area of 2.21 acres, another shows 52 – 55 apartment style units.
  • This 3.65 acres lies within a block of streets (platted or existing) surrounded by tracts not owned by MYSDI LLC. There is one parcel to the north, two parcels to the east, one parcel to the west and one parcel to the south.  The subject site is 130’ off of NW 53 Avenue.  Access to the site would have to come from NW 19 Street. The site currently has no frontage on NW 53 Avenue and the parcel to the north has a single-family residence as does one of the parcels to the east.  There is a possibility of acquiring additional surrounding lands.
  • We believe adequate utilities are available to serve for development of this site. 

MYSDI LLC originally bought 1 acre in 2017. In 2021 we acquired an adjoining piece of property, did a minor subdivision change, making the total 3.64 acres. After careful consideration, we’ve decided not to develop this property ourselves choosing instead to sell with owner financing at a better than the bank rate. 

Additional notes:

The property is less than one mile from the Deer Creek Senior Housing Development and the new Tara Serena development.

Average price per acre comps based on seven surrounding properties, $210k per acre.  We want to move this property, will consider all offers.  Owner financing available!


If you are interested, please call, text John – 352.224.975NINE
OR Fill out the form below

Some of the Images